Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Life is Like a Cup of COFFEE (feedback)

     Such as inspirational video which opened my heart and opened my mind. As the video was playing, I was thinking what does the video tried to say. What does it means with "Life is Like a Cup of Coffee" ? As the video plays, little by little I understand the meaning behind this video. The video is about coffee and cups. Which means, the video want us to consider that the coffee as life and the cups as jobs, money, title or positions in society. All of us pursue what is best for ourselves. We always wanted the best of best for ourselves. But without realizing something, we forgot to enjoy our life. Forgot what is life all along. We forgot how the happy feeling feels like. We forgot how happy we were before. Jobs, money, title or position in society are just a tools to contain our life. It is just like an accessories to our lives. I know having good jobs, great paying salary is all we ever wanted. But having all those things is meaningless if we do not enjoy what is life all about. Life is like a coffee. We all know that coffee is bitter, so we are the one who can make the coffee taste good by adding sugar and cream. Sugar and cream in here represent the happiness, enjoyment, sweetness and appreciation in our life. Life should be simple and easy. Why do we make it hard and complicated? We are the one who adds the flavor in our life. Live simply, speak kindly, care deeply and love generously. Those are ingredients that we need in our life. Live, Laugh, Love. Appreciate your LIFE.

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